Thursday 17 May 2018

Finding Astor

With the ship landing quite close the party jumped in the air/raft and headed directly there. They found the ship in a small open area amongst some small ponds and with footprints leading away from it back towards the settlement.

Deciding that they were under-armed, the travellers entered the ship looking for weapons and found a laser pistol and two slug rifles. These were taken and they headed out to follow the tracks, which lead directly to the high tech hut. Its door was slightly ajar and a voice cried out as they arrived.
"Go away! Leave him alone! He doesn't work for you any more! GO AWAY!"
The party jumped out of their vehicle and the door slammed shut. A few people were seen running into other buildings.

"We're here to protect you from the Aslan that you stole the ship from"
"Go away and leave us alone. I mean me, He's not here."
"And we're here to help protect you from the party which was gassed and from whom you stole the second ship"
"Leave now, please. You came from Tobia. He doesn't work for you any more.".
"OK. Actually we have need of assistance with a medical situation."
"He's just trying to help the people here. Go away."
"We have some records that we can show you. Um, the're on our ship. We'll be back in two hours."

At that, Lady Nitrane and Sparrow returned to the ship while Slayed and Unter stood outside the hut. Unter, with a wide experience of putting down insurgencies and other unrests realised that standing in the middle of the town square with guns out was unlikely to be well received, so he holstered his weapon and Slayed did the same. Sitting down - still on alert - the time passed.

After a while a figure emerged from a house and offered water and bread to the two sitting in the middle of town, which was received with thanks. A short time later Lady Nitrane and Sparrow arrived back with the medical records.

Lady Nitrane placed the records at the door of the hut and stood there waiting. The voice came from inside...
"Please stand away from the door."
Lady Nitrane declined.
"Please, I just want you to step back." This time with a hint of desperation.
Still no movement from Lady Nitrane, although the rest of the party walked away a little bit to give some room.
Pleading: "I just want you to move back a little." 
At last Lady Nitrane realised that everyone else had stepped back and did the same. The package was retrieved and not long after a male voice asked about Lady Yemar.

The scientist it turned out was sympathetic and his worried daughter was put at ease when an agreement was reached for everyone to have a meal and talk.


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