Wednesday 8 March 2017

You again?

The story continues on Theev.

Thoughts turn to how to find Miria Silverhand. Having tried looking him up on the local net, Lady Nitrane instead considers if Lomar Fisk might be able to find a way. She contacts him again, at first to thank him for the evening before, and then to see if he can answer some more questions. He agrees to meet her for lunch the next day at a delightful restaurant on the top floor of a hotel which has panoramic views of the whole city.

Captain Slaid on the other hand, remembering that The Grand Hotel caters to the imperial crews when ships visit, decides to take a room there and let it be known, in a roundabout way, that he is an Admiral. The hope is that someone will let Admiral Darokyn know that another admiral is in town and maybe an approach will come that way. All the staff at the hotel are 'unable to say' should any direct questions be posed, but Slaid is pretty sure that they have taken it in and someone will be told. But will it be Darokyn.

The Grand Hotel lobby

The next day, after taking in the entertainments, Captain Slaid decides to lunch at the best restaurant in the hotel, on the top floor, where he is intrigued to see Lady Nitrane lunching with a gentleman. Aware of the rendezvous with Lomar Fisk, the Captain says hello, whereupon Fisk grabs another chair and insists that he join them. Whatever Fisks' motivation to help Lady Nitrane is it does not appear to be romantic.Captain Slaid introduces himself as the captain of the ship that Lady Nitrane travels on, which doesn't seem to contradict any stories and lunch continues.

Following lunch, where Fisk agrees try to get in touch with Darokyn, Lady Nitrane and Captain Slaid, joined by Silent Unter, return to the ship and change into armour and pick up their weapons. It's time to start asking people about Miria Silverhand.

Up front it is agreed that there would be no threats or intimidation, only gossip, rumour and bribery. They start hitting the bars and shops of the Lower City...

...where three days (and quite a few credits) later they have their information.

Miria is located in the Scrapyard, a region of the lower city that consists of many downed ship that have been part scrapped, and part welded together, It is an area of lawlessness (more so that the rest of the lower city) and even knowing that she's in there, a fair amount of searching for her will still be required.

Upon surfacing from the Lower City the party find waiting for them a note from Fisk to meet him later that day as he also has some information to share. Captain Slaid too has a message, a pristine white card with gold edgings inviting him to dine at the Rose Pavilion that evening. It does not mention who he is to dine with, but it takes no brainpower to determine that it must be Admiral Darokyn himself.

Lady Nitrane, taking Silent Unter along as bodyguard, meet with Fisk at a bar. As they enter they notice that he is with a man. Before they can be introduced Unter says "Hello Davon". It would appear that Silent and this Davon have a history. Luckily, they are on excellent terms, and with this good fortune a potentially tense meeting becomes an invitation to dine with Admiral Darokyn, who it transpires is Davon's commander.

Oh calamity! What to wear? Lady Nitrane goes shopping again. The assistants at Blacksand's most prestigious and fashionable boutique welcome her back, and instantly get to work. Lady Nitrane pays the small fortune for the frankly astonishing dress, and everyone is ready for the evening.

The Rose Pavilion

Lady Nitrane, looking absolutely stunning, is escorted by her bodyguard Silent Unter, Captain Slaid in full Admiral dress uniform (with ceremonial sword) is accompanied by his batman Jack Sparrow. Lady Nitrane is welcomed back and led to Darokyn's table with Slaid. Unter and Sparrow are shown to a table close by.

Admiral Darokyn welcomes them and a small field springs up, preventing eavesdroppers from hearing their conversation, which after some excellent small talk turns to Miria Silverhand and her boss Ferrik Redthane.

Admiral Darokyn

The meal is excellent, the conversation and wit sparkles, and in the end they agree that they will 'take care of' the Redthane problem for Darokyn in exchange for her exact location. They also agree not to return to Theev for one year while it all blows over and everyone forgets that the party were here at the same time that Redthane and his lieutenant are removed from play.

The party have a morning to complete all their shopping before they need to take on Miria in her hiding place, after which they are to leave Blacksand and the Theev system for 12 months.

To be continued...

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