Monday 19 February 2018

We're off to see the scientist, the wonderful scientist of Tobia

After assembling all ships and crew on the space station it's time to work out what to focus on next, namely whether to get the scientist for Lady Yemar, or get Goff to start fixing the station properly.

Both Goff (on The World) and the scientist (on Tobia) are a  long way away. Consideration is given to getting Goff first to get repairs at the station moving, but in light of Lady Yemar's failing health it is decided to get the scientist first.

Trip to Theev
The party head to Theev with the Far Scout and the three Harriers in their fleet. Dai Kinnear is left in charge of the space station with instructions to push on with whatever repairs can be made. The trading ship is set up to fly between Salif and Homestead (to coreward) and Number One (rimward).

The trip, via Salif, Number One (where stories had to be told), Noricum and then the fuel dump, is uneventful.

On Theev
Arriving in Theev the Harriers are sent for full repairs (MCr37 worth) to bring them up to 'as new' condition. Full maintenance on the original Harrier is included in that price, as is berthing for however long it takes to repair them.

Messages are left for Lomarr Fisk (for transponders) and Devon (for new identities). Heading down to the planet the party books into the second best hotel in Blacksands. The next morning after breakfast Lomarr calls Lady Nitrane and invites her to lunch at the same place as last time; the rooftop restaurant on the best hotel in town. Devon soon after contacts Unter to arrange a meeting that night.

At lunch, Lomarr is waiting for Lady Nitrane and her 'bodyguard' Unter. He is as ever a gracious host and Lady Nitrane an excellent companion. As they arrange the next date Lady Nitrane mentions that there will in the near future be a need for a transponder.

Meeting with Devon that night the party arrives at a place bar that appears to have been booked just for Devon's meeting. Devon is there with a companion, and small talk is followed soon after by the main purpose of the meeting. The party tell him that they need identities as they want to go to Tobia. Devon knows just the man, a specialist in that field called Kagni Vasiir. In addition, he suggests meeting with Nosetter Hali, a specialist in clandestine activities. Meetings are arranged to see both of these people the next morning.

New identities
Arriving at the very fancy and up-market skyscraper in which Kagni has his offices the party are immediately ushered into a large conference suite where they are made comfortable. Moments later Kagni arrives, dressed immaculately in fine suit, and asks what the party need.

He is clearly aware of who the party are and what they want as he has a number of possible identities for each person in the party, including crew members. Each person is asked to select an identity and then temporary cosmetic changes are made, if required, to make them look as much as possible like the intended identity.

Following this, costumes are provided as well as a memory card that has a full back history for the party to memorise. Access to the ship's computers is requested to create a false trip log and cctv footage of the passengers. All told this costs MCr1.5.

Spy Master
Later that day the party go to see Nosetter, the specialist in clandestine activities. After some questioning it becomes apparent that there is too much that is unknown at this distance from Tobia. Nosetter suggests that an operative of his could accompany the party on their ship to advise them once they reach Tobia.

Harrier Shakedown
Next day Krssh approaches the group with questions about what he should do with the Harriers, and how long he should wait for the party. The suggestion is that the repairs to the ships won't be proven until they have a combat. Slaid is very careful to say that he expects that three ships go in, and three (the same three) come out.

Following the shakedown the Harriers are to report in to the Station, then proceed to Paal where they will wait for the party.

Second Dates
The lunch with Lomar Fisk proceeded as planned, with a transponder delivered to the Far Scout's hangar for installation within the hour.

At the same time Captain Slaid was meeting Admiral Darokyn from whom he had received a request to meet at the Rose Pavilion. The admiral just seemed to want to catch up, say thank you for the early return (in good shape) of the salvager, and to enquire politely as to the party's plans.

Reluctant to give too much away Slaid admitted that there was a trip to Tobia on the cards, and that the new identities were for that. He also admitted that the two additional Harriers, that the admiral knew about, were recently found - but again no specifics were given. Finally, Slaid offered to show Darokyn around a Harrier the next morning.

Two Admirals Breakfast
The next morning Darokyn is welcomed aboard the original Harrier. Overnight the most advanced of the food preparation units was brought aboard and very nice kaf and sweetmeats were served as the admiral took in the impressive sights of the Harrier.

Lady Nitrane, who had not met the admiral the day before, was particularly keen to introduce the idea of him providing men to help repair the space station. Captain Slaid reluctantly agree but in the end Darokyn was given the information. With the information about the Harriers being recently found, and the need for repairs to functions like life support, biosphere, construction and manufacturing facilities, it was obvious that Admiral Darokyn put it together quickly and surmised that the party have found a space station somewhere.

Leaving on good terms, the party prepared to leave later that day for Palindrome with their new identities, the far scout sporting a new paint job and a  new transponder.


(Did I forget anything?)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we should have rigged one of the Nukes to the Cargo doors.
    I guess we'll know If we hear of any mass genocides on the way back.
