Friday 2 March 2018

And they're off!

Arriving on Palindrome the party make contact using their new identities. They are allowed to land and are subject to customs and entry checks.

Lady Nitrane, in her guise as Ann Drucher contacts Lady Yemar to tell her of the situation, and when the party check into the second best hotel in the city they are met with invitations to meet with the mistress of the planet.

On arriving to see Lady Yemar the plan is explained, and it is requested that her medical records be made available. She is concerned that if they should fall into the wrong hands it might be possible to trace things back to her, so Jack tweaks the data so as to be unidentifiable.

Upon being asked if she has anything more about the scientist or his whereabouts, she produces a picture of him, and some blueprints provided to her of the location where he can be found.

Thanking her, the party decide the best approach is to enter the Imperium via Fist, but to avoid Boulder (which is intolerant of visitors, and has no gas giants) which means the trip will be Marduk (over Borite), then Exocet, then Wildeman (the usual exit point from the Reaches) then Fist then Tobia. Five jumps to go.

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